Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Comparative Religious Education

First as an Orthodox Christian convert I have encountered quite a few people ignorant of my faith.
First there are the people who hear the word Orthodox even if it is followed by Christian who will think I am Jewish, next there is the occasional Catholic who seems to have no idea about the events of 1054 and call me an ignorant dunce when I call the Catholic church the second oldest in Christianity- because they only understood Christian history in the light of Catholics and Protestants and with out knowledge or consideration that their might be a third option.
Even though I have countered idiocy aimed at myself I support comparative religion classes out of concern for general knowledge and not specific incidents.
When I was in middle and high school- our school did cover a little bit of Islam and other religions when we covered different parts of the world.
This is important-as religion is important in shaping the philosophy, history and even art of the world.
The beliefs of Islam or any given religion is important for those who follow it.
Not covering these things turns school into an institution for propaganda and not education.
There are multiple ways to see the world- and an educated person will understand that fact and they would also understand that means learning that perspective is good in helping you learn empathy for others.

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