Thursday, December 4, 2014


At times it feels like I am one of the few people who believe in the free market when it comes to genetically modified organism.
There are plenty of post on the internet demanding GMO either get labled or flat out banned often times promoting the alleged superiority of organic foods. When discussing our food supply it is important to remmeber the following fact yield per acre and the amount of farm land needed to support the population has steadily increased as people switched from purely organic methods to modern methods.
At the grocery store- organicly grown food costs about twice as much non organic food. There are two possible reasons for this- either it costs twice as much to farm organically and a higher percent is tossed out or the market is rather small but filled with wealthy yuppies who allow themselves to be gouged.
I'm more inclined to believe the first- because unless there are laws that limit organic farming and make it essentially impossible to start an organic farm agricultural companies would be starting organic farms- to rake in the higher profits.
Some of the arguments for organically grown food are the following.
1.) they are healthier- there have been some studies that have brought this into question claiming there is not that much of a difference. Then there is the question about how healthy is a plant grown in manure ?
2. They are better for the environment- they will state pesticide use but ecosystem is affected by more than just pesticides and there is a possibility that the right GMO could result in in a plant that uses fewer chemicals.
As I am not an agricutluralist I can't say what is possible or what people are working on.
Nor do I know the full pros and cons of any given GMO.  The public needs real information- and not simple fear mongering by people who fear the advent of a new technology. The last thing would be a ban on all current and future GMO technology or laws that would ban alternatives.

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