Monday, January 19, 2015

An Eye for an eye will make the world blind
After the Hebo massacre there has been an increase in the number of attacks on Mulsims and other people the attacker think looks Muslim.
These attacks whether or not they end with the loss of life should be considered just as much of an act of terrorism as the Hebbo shootings, as they are designed to terrorize and intimidate the local Muslim population.
This cycle of violence must stop- We need to take a moment and seek to be peace makers.
I've read places claim that there are sections of France Paris which are basically under Sharia law and that Kufari (non-muslim) enter at the risk of their own lives, Which I am inclined to believe is nothing but irrational anti-Muslim propaganda as studies show that at least around Paris when surveyed Muslims will state they consider themselves to be French, view religion as important and are appalled by violence.
Some people might try to say the 2005 riots disprove these studies -however the riots and high crime rates simply show there are some thugs in the community and the attacks mentioned in the article above show that Non-Muslim French have their share of violent thugs as well. The streets of Paris were designed so Napoleon could shoot cannons at rioters.
The problem is We have violent individuals committing acts of violence and not enough people preaching and practicing peace and tolerance. There are multiple reasons people turn violent and all should be discussed. Today is Martin Luther King Jr day and I believe we shouldn't simply think about the issues of race in the US but of all violence between people for reason of "race" religion and what have you and ask- what can we do as individuals to make things better.

Bishop IAKOVOS and Martin Luther King JR. 

Monday, January 12, 2015

Liberté, égalité, fraternité- what a crock

This article is talking about how France is turning into a totalitarian nightmare- with a national speech code as well as a national dress code. 
I don't see a big difference between the mentality of some one who would kill a bunch of offensive idiotic trolls for publishing an offensive magazine or a government agent who would fine them for publishing the same magazine.
I just wish more people would embrace the most famous quote attributed to Voltaire.
" I disapprove of what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it."