Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Saint Patrick - a voice for liberty

As a paleo-conservative/libertarian and Christian who supports the free market and believes the non aggression principle ( all people should be free to make the choices they believe will benefit them with out threat of violence, coercion or fraud.) and Luke 6:3

Do to others as you would have them do to you.

are both the best summery of all moral code was greatly moved when I saw on a couple of websites that Saint patrick was a very vocal opponent of slavery.

(http://www.americancatholic.org/Messenger/Mar1997/feature1.asp#F3 ,http://faithworks.crs.org/our-hero-st-patrick-of-ireland/ )

I know his history and how he was kidnaped and sold as a slave in ireland then escaped and returned as a priest. I am not surprised he would be an enemy of slavery. However reading it just made me feel blessed about him choosing to by my patron and reminded me why the theology of the icon and my belief in individual liberty walk hand and hand.

All arguments for liberty are based on the simple idea- being an individual human means we must be treated with some degree of dignity. The bible states we are created in the image and likeness of God.

Saint patrick knew and understood this- I'm not going to speculate what he would say about the world today only- that belief in the dignity of the individual is a corner stone of liberty.

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