Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Living wage part II-Tax reforms and subsidies

I am discussing these two in the same entry as a lot of subsidies come in the form of tax credits. First let’s talk about tax reform by starting with the poster boys Warren Buffet and Mitt Romney.
A lot of people will claim tax reform will only benefit the rich- however Warren Buffet claims he pays a lower tax rate than his secretary
The tax issue is one of the reasons I can’t stand Warren Buffett- he goes on TV screaming his taxes are to low and asking for the “Buffett Rule” while in private he seems to believe the real Buffet rule- is “if you are Warren buffet you don’t pay taxes http://nypost.com/2011/08/29/warren-buffett-hypocrite/.”
I digress- the two of them both have such low tax rates because they are able to structure their business in such a way to avoid as taxes as best as they can. I don’t blame someone for wanting to do that so my biggest issue with Mitt was the fact when he had a chance to address the issue- he avoided details and seemed to quite ignorant on the subject.
He was proposing to reduce loopholes and and deductions and lowering the right. When Obama claimed that this had never been done before- Mitt could have- stated that both JFK and Ronald Reagan did that.
I consider this to be the bare minimum that needs to be done with tax reform ideally we should go farther- and adopt something a long the lines of a flat tax or sales tax.
Examining the pros and cons of those tax proposals is beyond the scope of this post- as this is about why it needs to be done.
The first issue when discussing tax return is simplicity- I don’t care if some one like Warren Buffet or Mitt Romany- only pay 10% in taxes but I do care how they get that rate and this is the first failing of our current tax system. The amount of loopholes, credits and deductions- the argument for the lot is to shape behavior and some are designed to favor certain industries- which is the case with the green energy and renewable fuel mandates.
Subsidies no matter what their form is- are designed to give a boost to economic activities that would otherwise be unprofitable or less profitable.
Let's take the green energy mandates- the stated goal is to make America carbon neutral by encouraging bio-fuel, wind and solar power with subsidies.
A person's choice to buy any of these products should be based completely on their advantages and disadvantages compared to the alternative and not a government subsidy or tax credit. Some time the reason their supporters give in congress is terrifying for example this lobbyist stating one of the goals of the ethonal mandate is to increase the price of corn- then he tries to argue it does not effect people because it was feed corn and not sweet corn.
If the price of corn were to drop- then perhaps you might be able to cut the budget for food stamps- by making it so fewer people will qualify. I could hear some people screaming this might harm the US farm industry- but if the bottom falls out of the corn market- perhaps farmers will change crops
or may be some one will find away to make corn based bio-fuel profitable. I don't know what is possible- but I do know when the economics side is market driven- people will save money some how.
This might be cheap food, cheap fuel or ideally both.
The next area to simplify the tax system is removing the progressivity. The main arguments for a progressive tax system are the ideas- that the rich benefit proportionality more from the government than other people and the idea the government should be redistributing income with out thinking that policies like a fiat currency and low interest rates are leading to inequality, or asking the question do people drop in and out of income brackets or the negative effects of catering to envy- like reduced investment, reduced savings, both of which can lead to reduced employment or the possibility that increased taxes might just lead to increased prices.
The charts that show a growing income inequality tend to claim that this trend has existed since the 1970’s- they will normally blame taxes and come out to support a tax system that did not exist back then- perhaps there are other issues could be causing the situation as I fail to see how this complex tax code helps the poor or how taxing someone else more would help me either as I expect them to pass the cost of their higher tax rates to everyone else

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